Handling the Holidays

As the days become cool and crisp and the leaves turn vibrant colors, it’s time to start thinking about the Holidays and what your company will do to celebrate. Will you take the crew to dinner, have an in-office party, participate in a fun activity as a group, have a simple happy hour, or simply give a gift?

I know, I know…you’re thinking “The Holidays are still weeks away – there’s plenty of time to figure all that out!”. However, you may have less time than you think. This time of year is when venues and services start booking up quickly and shipping and orders get delayed (especially in the wake of COVID-19).  If you wait too long, you’re going to be stuck hosting your celebration in the middle of the week or giving out your thoughtful gifts the at the end of January.

But don’t worry, It’s not too late to plan an amazing event that your employees will love! As you begin planning, here are a few things to think about:



Is this an employee only event?  Or are spouses, or even children, invited as well?

If your event is for only your employees, consider hosting it on a weeknight so you don’t take away from valuable family time on the weekends.  If you include spouses, perhaps provide a child-care service for all those who have children.  If the kids are invited, make sure to have fun activities and food options for them.

Is there ample/easy/free parking at the venue?

Having your celebration at the office is a great option, but sometimes you need to find a change of scenery!  When choosing a restaurant or other site, be sure to check that there is dedicated parking on site or nearby.  Also, check to see if there is a cost for parking so attendees aren’t caught off guard by an unexpected expense.  If there is a charge for parking, you could offer to cover it or have your employees submit an expense report afterwards.

Will traffic be a factor?

                When choosing a time for your party, consider the time frame and if your attendees will run into traffic issues on the way to or from your event, especially if there is a chance that weather (hello, MN snowstorm!) could play a part in making traffic worse.  Try to avoid peak rush hour times so your guests can arrive happy and get home safely.

Will everyone be comfortable and able to participate?

                If you are planning on a group activity, make sure it’s something that everyone would enjoy and be able to participate in.  The last thing you want is for someone to feel uncomfortable.  If you’re uncertain, it never hurts to take a quick poll of your guests!  If you’re doing something more physical, be sure to inform your attendees so they can plan their apparel accordingly.

Are there any dietary restrictions?

Dietary restrictions are becoming more and more frequent and being aware of them is extremely important! Whether it’s due to an allergy, sensitivity, religious belief, diet or personal preference, it’s good to have a menu of food options that all attendees can enjoy. You can usually accommodate most palettes by informing your caterer of any restrictions. They will be able to point out appropriate selections or create a custom meal for those that need it.

Will alcohol be offered?

You’re probably rolling your eyes at this thinking, ‘Duh! Of course there will be alcohol!’.  But, this is a big factor to consider! Here are a few things to keep in mind when making the decision to offer liquor.

How will your attendees be getting home?

I’m guessing most plan on driving, this could be a liability if there are drinks involved.  It would be horrible if one of your guests was involved in an accident after leaving your event.  There are a couple ways you can help to avoid this scenario. First, you could limit the number of alcoholic drinks per guest.  Secondly, you could strongly encourage your guests to hire a ride.  If you’re feeling generous, you could even cover the costs of an Uber or Lyft with a gift card or discount code.

Will there be non-alcohol drinkers in attendance?

Whether or not you are aware, there are probably one or two attendees that don’t or won’t drink alcohol.  This could be for a myriad of reasons including safety, pregnancy, personal preference, or even to cut calories around the holidays.  Whatever the reason, it’s usually rather private.  It’s always good to have non-alcoholic options (besides water) on hand.  Ask your venue if they offer any mock-tails – these are a fun alternative that are becoming more popular!

What’s your company policy?

Before planning, check your company policy on alcohol.  Not every company has one, but make sure you adhere to it if there is one.  If you’re unsure, ask HR for guidelines. You don’t want to open yourself up to liability because you didn’t do a quick and simple check!



Wow! Who knew there was so much to think about when planning a simple Holiday get together?! Keep these considerations in mind when you start your planning to help prevent potential problems later!

Don’t let it overwhelm you!  Yes, there is a lot to keep in mind.  Yes, your timeline to get something booked is tight.  But trust me, there is still plenty of availability!  And most of these questions can be answered quickly with a simple email to your venue or your internal company network.  Want a simple place to start?  Fill out my free Pre-Event Worksheet to help you establish your event basics before you get into the details.

If you have any questions or need inspiration for your Holiday party, let me know! I’m happy to help!
Already have your party plans in motion?  Let me know what you are planning in the comments – I’d love to hear about it!

Emily Youngs


MPI Feature